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Simple Lead Switch

Simple Lead Switch


4 Session Coaching Package

Sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction. Everyone’s coaching program is different, but some of the possible topics we’ll cover include

* Wheel of life exercise to define where to focus

* Exploration of your personal values and how they align with your life

* Examine patterns of thinking that may be holding you back or hindering your progress

* Special time with the horses to help you tap into your own intuition and align your life

  • What we'll do

    Each person's coaching experience is unique based on what they need. Here is a list of topics we may cover in a 4 session package:

    • Wheel of Life
    • Core Value exploration
    • Modes of thinking & self sabotage
    • Paths to authenticity 
  • What's included?

    4 individual sessions, either here at the farm with the horses of via Zoom.  Sessions are 60-90 minutes each and we usually complete the package within 2 months.  

    Check in emails in between sessions

    Indiidualized exercises and worksheets based on client needs

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