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2023 Soul Searching

Roz Tyburski

Does the new year find you soul searching? Me too. January is also my birth month, so it is an especially reflective time for me. This time of year I like to take stock of where I've been, and look ahead to where I want to be. There was a time in my life when I just let the years pass without much thought - other than the old (and tired) "lose weight, get in shape, be more productive ..." standard New Year's resolutions. Which, I will say, were usually broken fairly quickly.

A few years ago I realized that I wasn't happy with the "wheel" that was my life. Days, weeks, months, years all passed whether I was an active participant or not. But the JOY of life was fleeting. I realized ...

JOY is only present when I am also present.

In. This. Moment.

This is huge.

I made the commitment to be truly present in my life, to be intentional.

This means I had to get very clear on what I want and what I don't want in my life. When I find myself with more of what I don't want, then I take a hard look at my contribution to the situation.

Because I know ...

There is nothing in my life that I didn't put here in some way or another - through a conscious choice or some unconscious (or simply unthoughtful) action.

When you come to the realization that all you are, all you have, all you experience is the result of all you do and think, you start to get very intentional about what you do and think.

During the month of January I do just that: get very intentional about what I want to bring into my life, and what I'd like to see exit my life in the year ahead.

I let the dust of the holidays settle.

I clear my head and my space.

I reflect: accomplishments, setbacks surprises, etc.

I soul search: values, strengths, desires, life balance.

I cast a vision.

Then I create an action plan.

Sometimes that plan includes some sweeping changes.

Other times it is just a tweak here or there.

I have two special New Year's offers to help you do the same.

The first is what I call a Soul-Storm. (Like brainstorming from your soul.) Get out of your head and into year heart. Reflect on what is. Dig deep on what you really desire. Then cast a vision for the year ahead.

This one on one session will take approximately 90 minutes, and I'm offering it at 1/3 of the regular price.

The second is an Oracle card Year Ahead Spread. These cards are not fortune tellers, but they do help you tap into your intuition to find the energy you need for the months and year ahead. This one on one session will take approximately 90 minutes, and I'm offering it at 1/3 of the regular price.

"Intentional living is the art of making our own choices

before others' choices make us."

~ Richie Norton

Happy New Year!


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